Assisting the Greek-American lobby

In June 2016, Germany was threatening to force Greece out of the European Union by not extending any further financial credit to Greece. The Greek-American lobby again asked for Mr. Peter Palivos' assistance.

At that time, Mr. Palivos worked closely with his friends, former US Presidents Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama, and U.S. Senate Leader Harry Reid from Nevada, to exert public pressure upon Germany to resolve its differences with Greece. 

As a result of these efforts, on July 7, 2015 former U.S. Secretary of State and Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton stated in Iowa City, Iowa that European leaders had to "exert every effort to work with Prime Minister Tsipras and Greece because Greece is a NATO ally and member of the European Union. The United States has a great, active, successful Greek-American community. So I want to see a resolution.”

When the press asked Mr. Palivos about his role, he stated, "I have very humble beginnings from Nestani, Arcadia and only did what any good Greek would have done. Times are very difficult for most of the Greek people, and we must all set aside our political differences and unite, so we can give strength to our Greek brothers and sisters.”


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